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Classification filter: Show All (147 )Most Common (1 )Technology (26 )Federal Government & Armed Force (58 )Science & Medication (20 )Business (24 )Organizations (28 )Slang/ Lingo (10 )Acronym, Meaning, IAIowa (US postal abbreviation) IAInternet Archive, IAInteractive, IAInformation Guarantee, IAInformation Architecture, IAInternational Airport, IAIntel Architecture, IAImpact Assessment, IAIn and Around, IAInternational Affairs, IAInternet Access, IAInternational Academy, IAIndustrial Automation (Star Wars, business who made R2-D2) IAInternal Affairs, IAInvestment Consultant, IAIndividual Assistance (United States DHS/FEMA) IAInter Alia (Latin: to name a few things) IAInternal Audit, IAIrrigation Association, IAItalian American, IAImpact Analysis, IAImmediate Action (Armed Force) IAInternational Contract, IAIntangible Assets, IAInspection Acadmique (France) IAInternet Home Appliance, IAInspection Permission, IAIndividual Account, IAInter-Agency, IAIllegal alien, IAInitial Evaluation, IAInstruction and Assessment, IAIntelligent Representative, IAImplementation Agreement, IAIndian Airlines, IAIndependent Agencies, IAImmunoassay, IAInstitutional Advancement (numerous schools) IAIntelligence Artificielle (French) IAInvestment Analysis, IAIsaac Asimov (author) IAIdentification and Authentication, IAIndian Army, IAIm Auftrag (German: By Order) IAInshallah (God willing) IAInternal Evaluation (International Baccalaureate screening) IAInitial Attack (firefighting) IAIndependent Amount, IAInstructional Assistant, IAIndustry Automation, IAIntelligence Analyst, IAIn Absentia (Latin: On Behalf of and in the Lack Of) IAInformation Help, IAImplementing Firm, IAInvasive Aspergillosis, IAIntraarterial, IAIndividual Augmentee, IAInteragency Contract, IAIndependent Assessment, IAInterfaith Alliance, IAInstitute of Astronomy, IAInitial Consultation, IAImperial Army (video gaming) IAInternet Audio, IAInstitute of Aging, IAIndia Abroad (newspaper) IAInformation Property, IAInformation Analyst, IAItalian Army, IAIndustrial Archaeology, IAInstantly Available, IAInternational Alert (UK peacebuilding company) IAInformation Device, IAInterface Adapter, IAInstallment Arrangement, IAIntelligence Evaluation, IAInvestment Contract, IAIntruder Alert, IAIraqi Airways (IATA airline company code) IAIssuing Agency, IAIntelligent Application, IAInitial Action, IAImperial Academy (Star Wars) IAInterval Arithmetic, IAIncentive Award, IAInternational Alphabet, IAInstrumentation Amplifier, IAIndividual Enhancement, IAInterface Analysis, IAIntelligence Amplification, IAInspection Administration, IAInitial Appraisal (USACE) IAIndustrial Attachment, IAInternet Alliance, IAInstrument Aircraft, IAImperial Age, IAIsland Alliance (Boston, Massachusetts) IAIt's Academic, IAIncremental Analysis, IAIon-Acoustic, IAIntegrity Agreement, IAIndustrial Affiliates, IAInterface Designer, IAInitial Permission, IAInternal Alarm, IAInformation Attack, IAImplementing Plan, IAImpulse Approximation (electron momentum density) IAInfamous Experiences (gaming website) IAImplementing Agent, IAInvasion America (Dreamworks TV Series) IAIntegrated Agent, IAInterstellar Alliance (Babylon 5) IAImperator Augustus (Latin: Emperor Augustus, epigraphy) IAIntermediate Agent (networking) IAInteroperability Arrangement, IAIrrigation/Aspiration (medical treatments) IAInstructor/Advisor, IAInstitutional Adaptation (United States Army) IAIneffective Effort, IAInterface Contract, IAInput Axis, IAIndicated Altitude, IAInterim Accreditation, IAIndian Airways, IAInstallation Evaluation, IAInvestigative Expert, IAInhalation Anaesthetics (pharmaceutical market) IAInstituti Albanologjik (Albanological Institute, Kosova) IAImage Amplifier, IAImpedance Angle, IAInherent Availability, IAInternet Help, IAInterior Alliance (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) IAInstable Angina (cardiology) IAIrritant Agent, IAInventory Automation, IAInstalling Activity, IAInterrogation Arm (explosive detection aid) IAInteractive Responsibility, IAInput Recognition, IAImagery Analysis/Analyst, IAImplosion-Assembled (weapon) IAIntroducing Advisor (foreign exchange) IAIfugao Academy (Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines) IAImmediately Avaliable, IAInstallation Accounting Professional.